15 Unique Phobias Related to Food

Phobias usually occur due to a combination of traumatic events and genetic factors. There are different types of phobias including Specific, Social and Agoraphobia.Specific Phobias can also be divided, there are ones related to humans, animals, food, colors, numbers, nature and specific situations.

Feb 18, 2023 - 11:42

1. Cibophobia - Fear of Food

Cibophobia - Fear of Food

People who suffer from this phobia are scared to eat food prepared by others and prefer to cook their own food. 

2. Arachibutyrophobia - The Fear of Peanut Butter Sticking to the Roof of Mouth

Arachibutyrophobia - The Fear of Peanut Butter Sticking to the Roof of Mouth

This phobia is not related to the fear of peanut butter but just the fear of it sticking to the roof of mouth causing one to choke. People with this phobia try to completely remove or eat small portions of peanut butter.

3. Alliumphobia - Fear of Garlic

Alliumphobia - Fear of Garlic

People suffering from this phobia can not eat nor smell garlic. They cannot stand near places where they use garlic nor eat any food containing garlic and other pungent smelling plants like shallots and chives. 

4. Ichthyophobia - Fear of Fish

Ichthyophobia - Fear of Fish

People with this phobia avoids fish at all cost. They do not eat at seafood restaurants, avoid swimming and walking on bridges and even avoids visiting aquariums. 

5. Ostraconophobia - Fear of Shellfish

Ostraconophobia - Fear of Shellfish

People who suffer from it can get a great anxiety in the presence of a shellfish or even when someone is eating it near them. This fear involves all types of shellfish such as shrimps, lobsters, crabs, and crayfish.

6. Deipnophobia - Fear of Dining

Deipnophobia - Fear of Dining

This phobia includes the fear of dining in clusters and conversation with bunch of people. They usually eat silently alone and if dining with others, they expect them to eat in silence as well. This phobia falls under the category of social phobias.

7. Mortuusequusphobia - Fear of Ketchup

Mortuusequusphobia - Fear of Ketchup

People fear to touch, smell or taste ketchup. They just don't like the texture and color as it may look similar to blood. 

8. Turophobia - Fear of Cheese

Turophobia - Fear of Cheese

The texture and the smell of cheese might give them a panic attack or cold sweat. It can be related to a traumatic memory or lactose intolerance. Turophobics may dislike one type of cheese over another, while others hate the whole diary food.

9. Mageirocophobia - Fear of Cooking

Mageirocophobia - Fear of Cooking

This fear can take different forms. Some people are afraid of cooking for a large group of people while others don’t have the power to even cook an egg. There are two reasons why people become Mageirophobic:

  1. Fear concerning the cooking process
  2. Fear concerning the outcomes of the cooking

10. Phagophobia - Fear of Swallowing

Phagophobia - Fear of Swallowing

It usually occurs because of a horrific event regarding choking or swallowing in an abnormal way or because of another food fear. They may feel anxious to swallow their food causing the throat muscles to constrict and feel a lump in their throat.

11. Chiclephobia - Fear of Chewing Gum

Chiclephobia - Fear of Chewing Gum

Those people would get irritated when someone chews gums; they hate chewing gum and its texture and its look and even the sound it makes.

12. Acerophobia - Fear of Sourness

Acerophobia - Fear of Sourness

It’s the fear of sour food. Phobic people would avoid anything sour from lemons, limes, oranges, pickles, sour candies, etc. They also suffer from anxiety and panic attack if they ever eat any sour food.

13. Consecotaleophobia - Fear of Chopsticks

Consecotaleophobia - Fear of Chopsticks

It’s an irrational fear of chopsticks. It can be linked to an event regarding the Asian culture, people, and food. People who suffer from this specific phobia cannot use chopsticks nor stay near them or watch someone use them; otherwise they’d get a panic attack or anxiety like any other phobia.

14. Emetophobia - Fear of Vomiting

Emetophobia - Fear of Vomiting

This includes the fear of seeing vomit, doing the action of vomiting or watching someone doing it either in public or private places. It’s common for those people to be underweight. To escape the situation, phobic people would do anything from starving or staying in pain or running away if it’s related to another being. Factors vary from case to case such as a traumatic experience with vomiting or childhood abuse.

15. Food Neophobia - Fear of New Food

Food Neophobia - Fear of New Food

It is a mix of both Neophobia and Cibophobia. It is more common in children than adults. Trying new food for some people seems like an exciting experience while for some others it’s terrifying; therefore they feel safe consuming just the regular food that they’ve always had.

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